Welcome to the many Discovering Old Welsh Houses Reports which are available here on our website. All the reports - House Histories, Building Reports and Tree-ring Dating Reports - can be accessed Here

Discovering Old Welsh Houses studies and celebrates the traditional houses of North Wales and the lives of the people who lived in them.

The copyright of most of these reports belongs to Discovering Old Welsh Houses. Where copyright resides with others, we have made every effort to obtain their permission to reproduce reports on our site. Our policy is to allow free access to our research documents as part of our public benefit as a registered charity. You are welcome to reproduce this material but if you do so, please acknowledge the source.

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Please note that these reports are being updated as part of an ongoing programme of revision.

Older reports sometimes refer to the old names of the Group. Between 2005 and 2012 also known as The Snowdonia Dendrochronology Project, then the N W Wales Dendrochronology Project and then the Dating Old Welsh Houses Group.  New reports are being added from time to time.  Keep an eye on our website for updates.

From an original Sketch by Falcon Hildred © Discovering Old Welsh Houses 2012


PRIVACY Please note - Houses mentioned on the website or in this Newsletter and /or linked with DOWH are private and are NOT open to the public at any time

29 September 2024

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