Discovering Old Welsh Houses studies and celebrates the traditional houses of North Wales built between the 1400s and the mid 1700s and the lives of the people who lived in them.

We have six active branches that hold meetings and arrange visits on a regular basis.


Further information including branch activities can be found under Events, branch contacts can be found under Contact Us.

We are a voluntary organisation with both Welsh and English speaking members.

Who we are

What we do

We have over 200 members. Click here to see the benefits of becoming a member and how to apply.

Membership is £15 pa for individuals and £20 pa for for two individuals living at the same address.

Life membership is available for £100.

Joint Life membership is available for £160.

We hold meetings that encourage members to get together and exchange ideas and information.

We arrange visits to houses and other historic buildings that are not normally open to the public.

We give talks and presentations on a wide range of topics related to old houses, many of them via Zoom.

We encourage and help members to research all aspects of the history of individual houses and communities, looking at architectural and landscape features as well as documentary evidence (including poetry).

We also apply for grants to carry out specialist work such as tree-ring dating and building recording.

We produce a quarterly bilingual Newsletter.

Bags of Help

Marc Fitch


A members research group

Members on a house visit

Membership benefits include guided research, training in Local archive use and other sources.

Introduction to our Parish Project and houses Database

Occasional guided visits to previously researched Houses [courtesy of the owners]

Monthly Zoom talk by prominent speakers  

A volunteers branch near you

Registered Charity No : 1131782      

Crow Stepped Gables

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29 September 2024

Home About  Research Reports Members Newsletters Contact Us Links